Sales Techniques

Every sales professional should have a reference library on effective selling techniques. There are lots of sales trainers who dispel “sales wisdom” which in reality does not help the sales person improve their sales close rates. Gathered from sales interviews and insights from sales leaders here are some really effective selling techniques that have beenContinue reading “Sales Techniques”

Sales Lead Generation

Sales lead generation is the fuel that powers the sales engine; it is the single biggest sales activity to ignite the selling process. Sales lead generation includes three core principles: First is having the correct product to market fit strategy including compelling offers. Second is putting the product and offers in front of the rightContinue reading “Sales Lead Generation”

Marketing Plan Template

             Marketing plan template and guide                            The Bitter Business A marketing plan will help a business identify the markets, product to market fit, customers and competitors which underpins the strategy selection to make a business sustainable. ThisContinue reading “Marketing Plan Template”

Business Strategy in a Digital Marketing World

The future of business is digital, so when business leaders start to formulate a business strategy they need to understand that customers, products, business operations and competitors are now digital. Is business strategy being replaced with digital strategy? And do companies have the sales and marketing skills to compete in a digital marketing world? AContinue reading “Business Strategy in a Digital Marketing World”

Sales Outsourcing

In Ireland, sales outsourcing or Sales-As-A-Service should be considered as it can offer multiple benefits to a start-up or growing business. Companies can boost its sales functions, accelerate sales and build the business faster by contracting in an interim sales manager or director for outsourced selling, business development or lead generation. Outsourcing is nothing newContinue reading “Sales Outsourcing”

Business Strategy Template

Download this business strategy template guide to assist in business planning for a start-up business or implementing a business strategy.  A business strategy is a template for business success. Download here: Business Strategy for Growth The success of a business strategy depends on the resources (financial, people, time) available to the business. 5 Step Planning ProcessContinue reading “Business Strategy Template”

Content Marketing Plan

As social media grows, the use of content marketing both as a social selling tool and as an audience engagement tool to acquire and retain customers has now taken centre stage within the marketing strategy. The great news is apart from time to preparing the content, content marketing is mostly free but there are someContinue reading “Content Marketing Plan”

LinkedIn- No Irish Jobs

43 LinkedIn Business Groups with over 150,000 members but less than 300 jobs. LinkedIn is a great business networking tool; however when it comes to Irish jobs for people seeking employment (sales, marketing, management) in Ireland it does not look so good. I am a member of 50 business groups on LinkedIn; of these theContinue reading “LinkedIn- No Irish Jobs”

Sales Leadership

Sales leadership should not be confused with sales management; sales management implies authority to manage the sales team whereas being a sales leader implies team buy-in and commitment from the sales team towards higher business goals. In a rapidly changing sales environment, decisive sales leadership can be the difference between a company that thrives andContinue reading “Sales Leadership”