Sales Tips for New Salespeople 

Sales tips for new salespeople includes fourteen helpful insights into how to boost your selling skills from The Digital Sales Institute. Source: Sales Tips for New Salespeople – The Digital Sales Institute In this article we will put forward several sales tips for new salespeople (or even for the more experienced salesperson) to help themContinue reading “Sales Tips for New Salespeople “

Cold Calling Tips

Cold Calling Tips Cold calling as a sales tactic still has its part to play in the sales process, but only if it is planned and executed properly. These cold calling tips will help your sales prospecting efforts so you can engage more people, more often. If there is one aspect in selling that canContinue reading “Cold Calling Tips”

Sales Call Structure – Sell Successfully

In the digital sales world, the art of making a sales call has been overlooked, so today lots of sales people do not understand the nuances involved in making successful sales calls. Whether the sales call is cold, as a result of a web lead or inbound enquiry always approach the sales call with theContinue reading “Sales Call Structure – Sell Successfully”

Social Selling Tips

The sales and marketing buzzword word at the moment is “Social Selling”; where the sales process is now tapping into social media conversations and the impact of social networks in driving brand awareness or buyer consideration.  Most sales and marketing leaders would concur that the sales process has completely changed. Sales people need to adjustContinue reading “Social Selling Tips”

Selling Techniques

In sales, for selling techniques to work effectively there needs to be clarity in both the actual sales role and in the process of selling. Successful selling is about always having a clear objective based on where we are in the sales process. Challenge the buyer’s journey Sales people can too often view the salesContinue reading “Selling Techniques”

Sales Techniques

Every sales professional should have a reference library on effective selling techniques. There are lots of sales trainers who dispel “sales wisdom” which in reality does not help the sales person improve their sales close rates. Gathered from sales interviews and insights from sales leaders here are some really effective selling techniques that have beenContinue reading “Sales Techniques”