How to Write Content That Drives Sales 

How to write content that drives sales is the dream of every writer today. However, actually getting it done requires a few key essentials. Writing good content for sales isn’t easy, but it’s not rocket science either. Many writers struggle with the thought of selling something to someone they don’t know—i.e., the reader on theContinue reading “How to Write Content That Drives Sales “

Content Marketing for B2B SaaS Companies

Following our Content Marketing & The Marketing Funnel: The Definitive Guide, we are breaking down what that application of this looks like for some of the biggest industries Galactic Fed works with. If you’re in the B2B SaaS industry – this one’s for you. And if you haven’t begun getting serious about your content marketingContinue reading “Content Marketing for B2B SaaS Companies”

7 Ways to Get Your Content to Produce Sales Leads – Now

If your content marketing plan is producing a steady flow of sales leads, then save yourself some time and don’t bother reading this article. Every marketing article I read tells me how much business has fallen in love with content marketing and why not. I know from experience that whether selling to consumers or businessContinue reading “7 Ways to Get Your Content to Produce Sales Leads – Now”

A Guide to Content Marketing for Start-ups

How can content marketing help satisfy a start-ups customer acquisition and quest for growth. Old sales tactics are declining and the push sales cycle can mean a new business is out of runway long before their business gets off the ground with revenue. The rapid change in buyer behaviour for both B2B and B2C meansContinue reading “A Guide to Content Marketing for Start-ups”

Connecting Content Marketing to Sales

How to use content marketing for improved sales enablement is a big discussion point among sales and marketing leaders. Most B2B companies rely on selling by direct sales teams to generate a large percentage of their revenues. For these companies, improving sales performance is a critical business objective, and sales enablement alongside the use ofContinue reading “Connecting Content Marketing to Sales”

B2B Sales Techniques for a Digital World

The buyer’s journey is changing sales models and how B2B sales teams sell. Sales 2.0 as a sales technique has been around nearly ten years now but still many companies struggle to embrace it. If you are in B2B sales then Forester projects that over the next four years, 1 million B2B sales people will beContinue reading “B2B Sales Techniques for a Digital World”

How to Use Content Marketing the ACD way.

Many companies struggle in how to use content marketing to drive their sales or business upwards. No big surprise as today’s buyer is more educated and savvy than ever. Smart marketing leaders know that traditional marketing methods are becoming less and less effective by the day, so turning to social media and content marketing as aContinue reading “How to Use Content Marketing the ACD way.”

Content marketing is powering social selling

The creation and use of content marketing is key to getting social selling activities right. In fact content marketing is now powering most selling and sales activity as it is the smoothest route to build up a relationship with prospects or buyers. It also gently reinforces a brand without over ally interrupting people with salesContinue reading “Content marketing is powering social selling”


“What are the benefits to social marketing media to business or sales?” This was a question I got asked recently at a presentation I gave. What still surprises me is the amount of senior managers, business owners and even those involved in sales that are still to be convinced how social media can impact theirContinue reading “BENEFITS OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN BUSINESS AND SALES”

Content Marketing Done Right

Content marketing when done right can deliver exceptional results yet as many as 75% of marketing departments are doing content marketing the wrong way. One big and critical difference between content marketing and promotional marketing can be summed up in these two words: sharing versus telling. Today’s digital savvy buyers and educated consumers are ignoringContinue reading “Content Marketing Done Right”